Even The Odds In Your Fight For Employee Rights
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Florida Unfair Pay Or Benefits Attorney

Last updated on November 29, 2023

If you have been faced with unfair treatment in pay or benefits which resulted from workplace discrimination, or you have been otherwise mistreated in the workplace, it is important to speak with an employees’ rights lawyer as soon as possible.

At the Law Office of William M. Julien, P.A., in Boynton Beach, we represent workers throughout Florida who are dealing with all manner of employment law disputes. Our skilled attorneys have helped clients recover compensation for workplace discrimination, including discriminatory pay and benefits practices. If you have been discriminated against, we can take the appropriate steps to protect your rights.

Are You Getting Paid Less For Discriminatory Reasons?

Our firm offers free, initial consultations for employees’ rights claims and workplace fairness issues for our clients. We know the toll that these actions can take on our clients and want to help them arrive at effective solutions. Our firm handles pay and benefit claims arising from discrimination, including:

At our firm, we have resolved many claims involving discrimination, retaliatory termination or harassment, achieving settlements and jury verdicts of six figures or higher. We will provide the experience and personalized attention your case deserves.

Reach Out Today For Experienced Employment Law Representation

If you have been harmed by unfair treatment that impacted your pay or benefits, contact us in Boynton Beach to schedule a free initial consultation. Email us today or call 561-560-5597 to make an appointment.