Even The Odds In Your Fight For Employee Rights
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Florida Workplace Harassment Lawyers

Employers in Florida must provide a working environment free of harassment for all employees, regardless of race, color, national origin, religious affiliation, gender, age, disability or veteran status. Those who experience a hostile workplace environment may have a cause of action under the law.

At the Law Office of William M. Julien, P.A., we have decades of experience fighting for the rights of employees throughout Florida. On this page, we’ve answered some of the most common questions we receive from prospective clients regarding how to recognize and respond to workplace harassment.

What is a hostile workplace?

A hostile workplace environment typically involves severe harassment or recurring or pervasive behavior (like crude jokes or remarks) that would make a reasonable person uncomfortable. The jokes and behaviors often center around a person’s race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other characteristics.

There’s a good chance you are in a hostile workplace if you feel like your only choices are to quit or continue to endure harassment and mistreatment.

I am being harassed at work. Should I report it or just ignore it?

Always report the conduct. You should never have to be the victim of harassment at work. It may be tempting to try to ignore it, especially if your supervisor or others in your company tell you that there is nothing that can be done about the harassment. There are laws in place that provide for legal recourse in the event of such harassment.

What laws protect me against harassment at work?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the federal law that protects all workers from various types of harassment at work. Local laws may also prohibit such actions.

What can I do about harassment at work?

As soon as you become aware of the problem, there are concrete steps you can take to begin addressing it. The following recommendations would apply to any type of harassment:

1. Document everything: Each time an incident occurs, write down the time and place it occurred, who was present and a description of what happened. Keep a record of whether you or anyone complained and how the situation was resolved, if it was resolved.

2. Keep records: Save any emails, mail or other evidence of the hostile work environment and keep them in a secure place.

3. Check your employee manual: Your company may have an official policy on harassment with a process about how to report it. If you do not have an official company manual, gather whatever policy documents you do have.

4. Reach out to human resources: If your company has a human resources department, consider asking them to intervene on your behalf. They may be successful in stopping the harassment. Even if they are not, however, the fact that you reported the harassment can strengthen your legal case.

5. Talk to an employment law attorney: If your company has no human resources department, or if you are too uncomfortable to report harassment to them, reach out to an experienced employment law attorney in your area. An attorney can help you take the appropriate steps to protect yourself and prove your claim.

Our founding attorney, William M. Julien, utilizes more than 30 years of experience in representing workers in employment law disputes. He and our other lawyers have a solid track record of success in these kinds of cases and will be glad to discuss your concerns with you.

Contact Us To Explore Your Legal Options For Free

If you have specific questions about workplace harassment as it pertains to your individual situation, reach out to the Law Office of William M. Julien, P.A., in Boynton Beach, Florida. Call 561-560-5597 or contact us online. Initial consultations are free, and we charge no legal fees until and unless we successfully resolve your case.