Employers have a lot of control over their employees. While employers may manage their employees for the betterment of a business, employers may also abuse their powers.
When an employer feels as though the business or their reputation is at risk, they may retaliate against employees. Retaliation may happen after an employee reports harassment, discrimination or unethical work practices. However, employees can’t be retaliated for exercising their workplace rights.
Here’s how to tell when an employer is retaliating against you:
1. Your job position has changed unexpectedly
It may seem like a coincidence that your job position was changed after reporting harassment or abuse or whistleblowing. However, having your job role changed is likely a sign of retaliation. The reassignment may be meant to put you in a position that you aren’t experienced or skilled in. As a result, you may suffer a negative work performance review for something that’s out of your control.
2. You’re being given unreasonable amounts of work
One way employers may retaliate against employees is by overloading them with work. Excessive work is likely intended to cause you large amounts of stress and likely lead to overdue work. Your employer may hope that the extra work will cause you to seek a new job.
3. You’re being given less work than normal
On the other hand, your employer may be purposefully giving you less work as a form of retaliation. While it may seem like a little vacation at first, you may start worrying about why you don’t have as much work. As a result, your paycheck might reflect how little work you’re given and you may need to seek a new job, which is exactly what your employer is likely wishing for.
4. You were passed over for a promotion or raise
You may have worked hard for years, putting in extra hours and making the business you work for look good – all for the chance of a promotion or raise. You may have been told that you would be looking at a promotion or raise but found out that someone else got it. This is an underhanded tactic employers use to retaliate against employees.
If you believe that your employee rights are being violated through workplace retaliation, then you may need to learn about what legal steps to take.