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More on off-duty workplace sexual harassment

On Behalf of | Nov 17, 2021 | Sexual Harassment At Work

Recently, we featured a blog post addressing sexual harassment at holiday parties and company gatherings. We felt it vital to expand on this topic by discussing other forms of sexual harassment outside of the workplace.

Some people, managers and co-workers alike, may feel that engaging in such behaviors away from work is not wrong. Unfortunately, this means many workers in Boynton Beach and other Florida areas must deal with work-related sexual harassment during their off-hours.

What can constitute off-duty sexual harassment?

As is so within the workplace, co-workers and superiors must avoid harassing behaviors when out in the community. Some examples of wrongful and harassing conduct away from work include:

  • Harassment through social media channels
  • Inappropriate behavior when traveling together for work (going to conventions, etc.)
  • Harassment in the homes of victims (phone calls, showing up to ask for a date, requesting sexual favors, etc.)
  • Unwanted sexual advances during chance meetings at a bar or restaurant
  • Stalking and following co-workers out in the community

The examples above should give you an idea of what may be considered sexual harassment by a co-worker (or boss) outside of the job environment. That said, you will need evidence to substantiate your claims, and you will benefit greatly from legal counsel in your quest to end the harassment.

We recommend that you start documenting any unwanted behavior by someone with whom you work. It is also critical to report these actions to a superior or the human resources department. With evidence in hand, you and your advocate can find a solution for your harassment. Even better, your actions may help others like you avoid similar treatment in your workplace.