When you look back over past generations, you may feel proud to be a woman in the workforce. Perhaps you are employed in an industry that is traditionally male-dominated, or maybe you have risen to a higher rank in your job than women in your family have previously achieved. Unfortunately, while you may receive kudos and pats on the back for your accomplishment, it is likely that your paycheck does not reflect your hard work.
You may be working for an employer who pays you less than the men on the job earn simply because you are a woman. While Florida’s gender pay gap is among the narrowest in the nation, this is still an average. Despite loud outcries for equal pay, the pay gap between men and women is closing at an alarmingly slow rate, and analysts believe women will not receive equal pay until 2093.
The pay gap is wide
One of the most frustrating moments for a woman in the workplace may be when she discovers that her pay rate is considerably low compared to that of the men with whom she works. In some cases, a newly hired man in the same position may earn significantly more than a similarly qualified woman who has been at the job for a number of years. On average, women make 82 cents for every dollar men earn. However certain factors make that rate even lower:
- If you are Hispanic, Native American, Native Hawaiian or Black
- If you are between the ages of 20 and 44
- If you live in a state with a wide gender pay gap
- If you earned less than male workers in your previous job
- If you work in a male-dominated industry
Earning less means having less to save and invest for the future and less to apply to the needs of your family. While lawmakers are working to prohibit employers from offering salaries based on your previous pay history, many employers persist. This perpetuates the practice of paying women less than men even when they have comparable education, skills and experience.
An employer who pays unfair wages because of gender alone is discriminating, and this is a violation of state and federal laws. You may be experiencing other forms of discrimination that go hand in hand with unfair wages. Resolving this issue is likely to be a complex challenge, and you may benefit from the advocacy of a skilled attorney with experience in all areas of workplace discrimination and unfair wages.