You, like other lucky Florida residents, loved your job. It may have been something that you started without entirely knowing whether it was the right fit for you, but after getting used to how the company operated and your duties, you found your stride and considered yourself a valuable part of the team. As a result, when your employer unexpectedly fired you from your job, the blow may have felt immensely devastating.
In some ways, you may have thought that the termination was coming. After witnessing sexual harassment in the workplace and filing a complaint, your employer and co-workers may have started treating you differently. Rather than feeling like a valuable part of the team, you began to feel like an outcast.
Wrongful termination as retaliation
If you began receiving unfair treatment on the job after filing a complaint or participating in an investigation into a sexual harassment complaint, your employer may have retaliated against you. It is possible that your employer did not fire you immediately, but he or she may have tried to make your job much more difficult or even demoted you. In the end, however, your employer came up with some reason to dismiss you from your job.
Seeking justice
If you believe that your termination came about as retaliation for reporting sexual harassment or participating in an investigation into a complaint regarding such harassment, you may wonder what you can do. Fortunately, laws protect against such mistreatment. Still, the burden of proof lies with you, and you must prove the following elements if you wish to seek justice:
- You participated in a protected activity, such as those previously mentioned.
- Your employer punished you, like firing you, after your participation in that activity.
- The punishment was a direct result of your participation in that protected activity.
It can be difficult to prove these elements, but you do not have to feel out of hope. You have legal rights and options for combating retaliation and wrongful termination. Plus, you do not have to enter into this battle alone. You can consult with an experienced employment law attorney who can evaluate your circumstances and help you find the best courses of action. It may be a long and difficult journey, but you may be able to work toward obtaining justice and compensation for the wrongdoing you faced.