A process exists for workers in Florida to address sexual harassment. Victims do not have to accept that nothing can be done about the inappropriate behavior of co-workers or supervisors. To lay the groundwork for a complaint, a person should document the harassing behavior. A simple list with dates and descriptions of what happened could improve a person’s ability to provide details when discussing the problem.
Initially, people are advised to directly tell harassers to stop. The offender should be informed in clear terms that the behavior is offensive and unwelcome. At times, this could resolve the problem if the person genuinely did not mean to cause discomfort. If the harasser persists with unwanted sexual advances or lewd comments, then the person could make a formal complaint at work. Many workplaces have formal policies and procedures, and victims should follow them. Typically, someone’s immediate supervisor should be made aware of the problem. If that supervisor is the harasser, then the person needs to take the issue to that person’s boss. Documentation about the episodes of harassment could be submitted along with the complaint.
When employers dismiss complaints, victims can then approach their state administrative agencies that handle employee discrimination cases or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. A government agency will discuss the issue with the employer and potentially settle the problem or approve a complainant’s desire to file a lawsuit.
A person may seek out South Florida sexual harassment legal assistance at any point. An attorney may be able to evaluate the evidence and determine how strongly it indicates the violation of employment law. The representation of an attorney might encourage an employer to take a complaint seriously. An attorney may initiate discussions for a settlement, which might include correcting the behavior or paying financial damages.