Ideally, those who are harassed at work will be able to tell their employer about it. However, there are considerations that Florida workers and others will want to mull over when deciding how to handle their situation. First, it will be important to consider whether the harassment is severe enough that it warrants reporting to a supervisor. If so, it is critical to note that bullying is not necessary against the law.
Those who choose to make a complaint to their employer should first document the behavior. This could include sending an email or similar type of message to the perpetrator of the harassment. It is not important that the abuser responds to the message, but it is important to keep a record of the message and any reply that might be sent. If the behavior continues, a bullied worker should submit evidence of the abuse to his or her manager.
In the event that a manager is unable or unwilling to provide assistance, an individual could submit a complaint to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Employers are not allowed to retaliate against workers for doing so, and instances of retaliation should be documented and relayed to the person looking into the original allegation. Retaliation could include a demotion or termination after filing a complaint.
Those who have been harassed at work have rights and protections under the law. By working with an attorney, it may be possible to preserve those rights and hold others accountable for their actions. Legal counsel may use evidence such as messages from a harasser or from management downplaying its significance to establish a victim’s case. If successful, individuals may be entitled to compensation from their employers or other parties deemed liable for the harassment.