One of the most pervasive forms of discrimination in the workplace, sexual discrimination, has been a hot topic lately in the media. However, most conversations center on its effects on females. This makes perfect sense considering that sexual discrimination affects women the most, particularly those working in male-dominated fields, says Pew Research Center.
However, that truth does not mean men do not experience such discrimination, too. Men can also be subject to sexual discrimination in the following ways:
1. Gender bias in certain industries
While many industries are male-dominated, some are female-dominated. These sectors may have biases toward women and against men, causing men to lose out on jobs and other opportunities they are otherwise qualified for. A common example is in the field of nursing, though others may include primary education, cosmetology and dental hygiene.
2. Sexual harassment
Men can experience sexual harassment from women in the forms of inappropriate touching, sexual innuendo, stalking, or repeated demands for dates or sexual favors. The harassment can also come from other men, regardless of the sexual orientation of the harassing party or the victim. Sexual harassment can include misconduct from bosses and coworkers, but also from clients.
3. LGBTQ discrimination
Men who identify, or are identified rightly or wrongly, as anything other than stereotypical heterosexuals are more likely to face discrimination and harassment. Businesses may refuse to hire them, promote them or provide them with equal benefits and rights, such as paternity leave. These male employees may endure a hostile work environment, go through a wrongful termination or suffer from retaliation for reporting gender discrimination.
Although the law is most often employed to ensure that women receive equal treatment in employment, it applies to everyone regardless of sex or gender. You do not have to be female for the law to protect you from sexual discrimination at your job.