A recent analysis of hiring studies that went back to 1989 revealed ongoing discrimination among employers throughout Florida and the rest of the U.S. The researchers looked at 28 studies that compared the number of job interview callbacks to the number of applicants by race. They concluded that hiring discrimination against blacks had not eased in 25 years while Latinos had only made some modest gains with callback figures.
After making adjustments for different methodology among the studies as well as other factors like gender and education, the researchers calculated that whites received calls for interviews 36 percent more often than black applicants. The callback rate for Latinos was 24 percent lower compared to whites.
The results of this meta-study, which considered 55,842 applications, dispute the notion that racial discrimination has diminished in the workplace. A significantly lower chance of interviewing for jobs among blacks and Latinos reduces their odds of finding a job or having a selection of ideal positions to choose from. With fewer interviews, fewer job offers can result. Reduced job options could also make negotiating a competitive salary more difficult.
Employers knowingly denying people the opportunity to interview for a job because of race, age, gender, religion or disability could be violating the law. A person who experiences discrimination in the workplace could consult an attorney about recovering damages. The lawyer could organize evidence of mistreatment by requesting payroll records, evaluations and other workplace communications. The cost in lost pay and benefits might be calculated by the attorney and recovered through negotiations with employer or at trial.