Sexual harassment is a major workplace issue for countless women. Many females who work in the bar and nightclub scene in the Boca Raton area know how quickly things can get out of hand.
There is a big misconception that women who work in these establishments invite this harmful and aggressive behavior on themselves. In most cases, innocent teasing and random comments quickly turn into unwanted advances and threatening actions. Women should not have to sacrifice their livelihoods to avoid becoming victims of sexual harassment; their employers should take actions to protect them.
Anyone who works in the hospitality industry should make themselves aware of how they can fight back against sexual harassment.
Discourage it
Sometimes sexual harassment or contact can occur as a mistake. For example, a person accidentally brushes against a coworker while maneuvering through a tight spot around a bar. Women should always make it clear to anyone who is intentionally or unintentionally physically or verbally inappropriate toward them that they do not want that type of attention.
Report it
Anyone experiencing this type of situation should report it. If the offender is an equal or lower-level co-worker, the victim should inform her or his supervisor about the situation. If the perpetrator is a supervisor or boss, the female should go to a different manager or human resource representative to file a report.
It does not matter if it happens one time or a hundred times. Every instance of sexual harassment should be reported so that appropriate action is taken to stop it.
Keep documentation
Women experiencing workplace sexual harassment should document every incident. Sexual harassment is not always a single occurrence, and it is also not always just an inappropriate remark or touch. It can happen electronically through email, text, on social media and through phone conversations. Women who receive offensive text messages and emails should take pictures of those conversations so there is documentation to support their claims.
Many people tend to blur the lines between what is acceptable and unacceptable for sexual harassment. They may think it is OK for them to flirt with colleagues or witness their female coworkers receiving unwanted sexual and aggressive attention if there is no touching involved. Sexual harassment in any form is not acceptable and is illegal.
Talk to a lawyer if you need advice
Women deserve to work in a safe, non-threatening and non-hostile work environment. Bar and nightclub owners should provide ongoing training to all employees so they know what is legally acceptable and what is not.
Any woman who feels she is working in an environment where she is experiencing sexual harassment and hostile behavior from her coworkers should speak to an attorney for guidance.