Many Florida residents who work in the restaurant industry experience sexual harassment on the job. According to a report by Hart Research Associates, 40 percent of female fast food workers in non-managerial positions around the country are victims of such behavior. Another study that was conducted by the Restaurant Opportunities Center United found that 90 percent of male and female restaurant employees working at casual full-service restaurant chains have been sexually harassed.
The HRA study on sexual harassment in the fast food industry was conducted by polling 1,217 female workers aged 16 and up. While 40 percent of the women had experienced some form of unwanted sexual behavior, 28 percent experienced multiple incidents of sexual harassment.
The fast food workers who reported sexual harassment in the Hart survey dealt with the harassment in different ways. Some women changed their work schedules because of sexual harassment while other women decided to work fewer hours or quit their jobs. Among the women who experienced sexual harassment at work, 42 percent of the women said that they felt like they needed to accept the behavior or risk losing their jobs. One in eight of the fast food workers who reported sexual harassment at work said that they felt like they were trapped in the situation.
People who are experiencing unwanted sexual advances, inappropriate touching or lewd talk at work may want to seek sexual harassment legal assistance. An attorney will in some cases suggest that the victim follow the procedures for reporting such behavior that is outlined in the company manual. Should that prove fruitless, however, the attorney might determine that the filing of a claim with the EEOC is in order.