Sexual harassment is not always the result of face to face interaction. In today’s world of advanced technology, there is always the chance that a person could be harassed via email, text message, or another digital form.
To better understand online sexual harassment, here are several facts to become familiar with:
— Online sexual harassment is broken down into two general categories: information that is posted about another person and material that is sent to and received by another person.
— The way a person uses technology in the workplace can lead to a claim of sexual harassment. For example, if a person prints and shares pornographic material, it may be considered harassment.
— Offensive emails. Email is one of the top ways to communicate in the workplace. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has taken a hard stance against companies that do not protect employees against email harassment.
If a person feels he or she is being sexually harassed online, this person must know which steps to take. This includes making note of the information, saving anything that is considered harassment, and reporting the behavior to the appropriate party without delay.
Online sexual harassment remains an issue in companies throughout the country. If a person is using technology to harass another party, it can lead to a sexual harassment claim and issues for the harasser as well as the employer.
Anybody who is a victim of this behavior owes it to him or herself to take the appropriate action without delay. Nobody should have to work in an environment in which they feel threatened.
Source: FindLaw, “Understanding Online Sexual Harassment,” accessed Aug. 03, 2015