Workplace bullying remains an issue in the United States, with many employees doing whatever it takes to avoid others who treat them poorly. This can include both supervisors and coworkers.
Bullying in the workplace can be classified as everything from people talking behind your back to sexual harassment and many circumstances in between.
On the surface, workplace bullying does not appear to be that big of a deal, as most people expect this to go away on its own. However, this is not always the end result. In the most serious of situations, its can cause the victim to experience extreme stress. While less common, this has also been linked to suicide.
Bullying is considered a type of workplace harassment, and it carries serious health consequences. Even if a victim does not feel that this is harming his or her mental state, the person may soon find that it has taken its toll.
According to a recent study, with results posted by the Workplace Bullying Institute, approximately 14 percent of Americans work for a supervisor who is abusive. The victims do their best to cope by seeking support from others and avoiding their boss. Of course, this is not always enough to find relief.
There is no denying the fact that workplace bullying can cause extreme stress. A hostile work environment is serious, as it can have a negative impact on the victim (or victims) as well as the company as a whole. If people feel they are being bullied at work, they need to understand their rights so they can put this in the past once and for all.
Source: Workplace Bullying Institute, “Work Bully Victims Struggle with Dangerous Stress,” accessed Aug. 24, 2015