A hostile work environment should be addressed without delay. If a company lets this progress, it could cause a variety of problems down the road, some of which could lead to financial difficulties.
Workplace violence can have a far reaching impact, both on the company in which the act occurs as well as society in general.
The cost of workplace violence is robust, with the United States Department of Labor noting that psychological and physical repercussions can reach the victim, as well as their friends and family. Furthermore, co-workers can also be impacted. All of this doesn’t take into consideration the financial impact, such as the possibility of losing contracts if the incident is made public.
Workplace violence can impact other areas, such as:
— Increased security costs
— Higher turnover rate
— Property theft and damage
— Increased personnel costs
— Productivity impediments
There is no way of knowing the exact cause of workplace violence, as no two situations are the same. In one incident, an employee may act out because of the way he or she is treated by a coworker. In another, there could be a fight between employees as the result of a disagreement.
Workplace violence can impact a company and its workers in many ways. This is why most employers are doing whatever they can to prevent these types of incidents. By keeping employees happy and promoting a friendly environment, the impact of a workplace violence event can be prevented.
If a person feels he or she is a victim of a hostile workplace, it may not be long before they speak with human resources about the problem and potentially take action against the employer.
Source: United States Department of Labor, “DOL Workplace Violence Program,” accessed April. 21, 2015