When it comes to the Family and Medical Leave Act, you may not know the first thing about your rights as an employee. While some people never have to think twice about this act, others soon find that it is impacting their lives in some way.
The United States Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division is responsible for providing information on the Family and Medical Leave Act, as it pertains to covered employers and eligible employees. Here are several Family and Medical Leave Act facts to become familiar with:
— Not all employers are covered, as the act only applies to companies that meet certain criteria. For example, the employer must have 50 or more workers.
— An eligible employee must have been working for the company for a minimum of 12 months to be covered.
— Employees can take up to 12 weeks off in a 12-month period for many reasons, including the birth of a child, to care for an immediate family member with a serious health condition and to receive treatment for a serious health condition.
The United States Department of Labor also notes the following as a covered reason: “For any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that a spouse, son, daughter or parent is a military member on covered active duty or call to covered active duty status.”
Anybody who has questions about the Family and Medical Leave Act can learn more through the United States Department of Labor. It is a must to understand this act, and whether you are covered, just in case something comes up.
Source: United States Department of Labor, “Fact Sheet #28: The Family and Medical Leave Act” accessed Feb. 18, 2015