Sexual harassment continues to be a problem in companies throughout the United States, with some people not understanding the law and where they should draw the line regarding their behavior.
In the event that a person has become the victim of workplace sexual harassment, he or she must understand his or her rights and how to put an end to this right away.
Above all else, it is important for the person to speak up by discussing the issue with his or her supervisor and/or the human resources department. Many companies have a complaint procedure in place, so you can follow the outlined steps to ensure that you are moving in the right direction.
If a company does not have a procedure, it does not mean you should sit back and hope that things get better. You can still voice your concern to those who are in position to find an immediate solution.
If your complaint goes unresolved, regardless of the reason, you will need to take things to the next level. This often times means filing a charge with a state or federal governmental agency, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
In some cases, if you receive a “right to sue” letter from a governmental agency, you may want to consider litigation.
You have rights as an employee, and in this case, they are covered by state law as well as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
You can learn more about dealing with sexual harassment at work by reviewing our website, paying special attention to the webpages related to this subject.