There is no place in today’s world for any type of discrimination. This holds true in the workplace, the classroom and public locations throughout the world.
In addition to the trouble that discrimination can bring at the time of the act, a recent study shows that this could have long-term negative impacts on the health of those age 50 or older. Those who have been a victim of discrimination, based on a physical disability, weight or age, may have a more difficult time coping with such discrimination.
A four-year study recently completed by the Florida State University College of Medicine shows that disability discrimination, among other types, can lead to quicker mental and physical deterioration when compared to those who were not subjected to such actions from others.
The team that took on this study examined more than 6,000 adults over the age of 50, spanning a period of four years. During the study, participants evaluated their health in 2006 and upon completion in 2010. They also added information related to perceived discrimination.
The Health and Retirement Study showed that those who feel they were discriminated against were prone to quicker mental and physical deterioration.
This study shows that discrimination may harm the target during the time of the action, as well as in the future. This is why it is so important for those who feel they are being discriminated against to get help. If they don’t, it could have a negative impact on their life now as well as in the future.
Source: KMBZ, “Age and Weight Discrimination Can Affect Health of People over 50” No author given, May. 14, 2014