From one side of the country to the next, discrimination and harassment in the workplace continues to be a big problem. While many companies do whatever they can to protect against this, others drop the ball for one reason or another.
According to a recent study completed by The Network, Florida was ranked number two in the United States for the most discrimination and harassment charges in the workplace last year.
Statistics kept by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission show that 7,597 cases of discrimination and harassment were filed in the Sunshine State in 2013. The most commonly reported problems involved race, with 2,533 complaints, and gender, with 2,186 cases.
The Network’s vice president of product management and corporate development added, “Harassment and discrimination continue to rise in the workplace because of the lack of proper training companies provide employees. Too often, companies just hand employees a 200-page code of conduct and do little or no other training.”
The study by The Network noted that this type of behavior in the workplace could impact graduates and students who will be entering the working world in the near future.
From racial discrimination to sexual harassment, these types of workplace issues have grown out of control. The statistics shared by The Network and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission show that Florida has a big problem in this area. Last year alone, there were more than 7,500 reported cases. This does not even take into consideration the number of cases that went unreported, yet still had an impact on employees.
Source: Central Florida Future, “Florida ranks No. 2 for discrimination, harassment charges” Caroline Glenn, Apr. 23, 2014